The Toy Association™ Champions Industry Interests at Forums Worldwide

globe made out of construction bricksApril 26, 2024 | The Toy Association’s Global Government & Regulatory Affairs team actively works to ensure that businesses are protected and that children’s toys remain safe. Beyond legislative activity, staff also actively participates in conferences around the world and engages with key stakeholders and coalition partners from diverse industries to advocate on critical issues pertinent to the toy sector.

"The toy industry is interconnected with various industries, and engaging in symposiums and conferences at home and abroad allows us to address shared challenges, leverage opportunities, and advance the collective interests of the toy industry," said Ed Desmond, executive vice president of global government and regulatory affairs at The Toy Association. “By actively participating in global dialogues, The Toy Association ensures that the industry's voice is heard.”

Recent forums staff has attended includes:

European Committee for Standardization TC 52 Meetings
Jos Huxley, senior vice president of technical affairs at The Toy Association, attended the CEN TC 52 Toy Standards committee meeting in Billund, Denmark from April 15 to 19. Huxley is the ISO TC 181 Observer to the CEN committee. Discussion topics covered updates to and new developments for the European EN71 series of Toy Safety Standards.

2024 Ameripen Annual Summit
One of The Toy Association’s current priorities is to influence and help members comply with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) laws for paper and packaging throughout the U.S. The Association is a new member of Ameripen, an organization that focuses on U.S. public policy for the packaging industry. Erin Raden, senior director of state government affairs at The Toy Association, attended the organization’s annual summit in Alexandria, Virginia from April 23 to 25, which brought together industry leaders, government and elected officials, and figureheads from environmental nonprofits from across the country to for discussions on emerging packaging policies. By joining forces with stakeholders in this coalition group, the Toy Association can ensure that the interests of the toy industry are effectively represented throughout rulemaking processes.

National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance’s Disruption 24
Owen Caine, vice president of government affairs at The Toy Association, addressed toy industry priorities for combating counterfeit products at the Disruption 24 conference on April 24. During a panel discussion, Caine explained the importance of the passage of the INFORM Act last year and highlighted the necessity for Congress to pass the SHOP SAFE Act, which emphasizes the need for online platforms to meet the same requirements and liabilities as traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. Click here for more information on the SHOP SAFE Act.

International Association of Bedding and Furniture Law Officials Annual Meeting
Charlotte Hickcox, director of state government affairs at The Toy Association, presented at the International Association of Bedding and Furniture Law Officials’ annual meeting on April 25 regarding The Toy Association-sponsored legislation to revise Pennsylvania’s outdated “Stuffed Toy” law, which currently does not permit the use of recycled materials in stuffed toys. The Toy Association is committed to updating outdated laws to incorporate modern technology, in addition to harmonizing laws across the country so toy manufacturers have predictability and consistency. This legislation is particularly significant as most stuffed toy regulations are grouped with bedding and furniture laws, illustrating the intersection between toy regulations and broader legislative frameworks.

For more information on The Toy Association’s advocacy initiatives, contact Ed Desmond, executive vice president of global government and regulatory affairs.

Industry professionals are encouraged to sign up to receive The Toy Association’s “Advocacy Update,” a biweekly email that summarizes the key issues the Association is tracking and working on to protect their businesses. To sign up to receive Advocacy Update emails, members can sign into their Toy Association profile and update their mailing preferences.