Contact: Adrienne Appell
The Toy Association
[email protected]

U.S. Toy Community Applauds Trump Administration’s Tariffs Delay on Toys

New York, NY | August 13, 2019 – The Toy Association – the not-for-profit trade association representing the toy, game, and youth entertainment product businesses that drive the annual $28 billion American toy market and are leaders around the world – lauded the Trump administration’s decision to delay imposing a 10 percent tariff on most toys as a welcome reprieve for the toy industry going into the holiday season.

“A delay in tariffs to December 15 has saved the holiday season for many in the U.S. toy and play community,” said Steve Pasierb, president and CEO of The Toy Association. “We appreciate leaders in the administration listening and we hope through the tariff exclusion process the administration will provide further relief to the toy industry by eliminating all toys and toy-related components from these latest tariff lists. While we continue to support the goal of restructuring the U.S.-China trade relationship, tariffs are the wrong approach.”   

Earlier today, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) put forth the next steps in the process of imposing tariffs on approximately $300 billion of Chinese imports. Most toys imported from China will not be subject to tariffs until December 15, while other children’s products, like toy jewelry, will be exposed to the 10 percent tariff increase beginning September 1.

The Toy Association continues to aggressively advocate against tariffs on toys on Capitol Hill and to key members of the administration. The Association is also an active member and leader of the Americans for Free Trade coalition, and will also maintain its education campaign about the impacts of tariffs, including its digital resource,

“With the majority of American toy companies defined as small businesses, any tax on children’s toys will deal a devastating blow to a significant number of smaller employers as well as impact both the retail community and families,” Pasierb said.  “We will continue to advocate with the administration for solutions that can address the very real trade, intellectual property and business issues our nation has with China while not placing the burden upon America’s toymakers, retailers and children.  Toys are a source of childhood joy and a myriad of developmental benefits, not a tool in a trade war.” 

About The Toy Association / /
Founded in 1916, The Toy Association™, Inc. is the not-for-profit trade association representing all businesses involved in creating and delivering toys and youth entertainment products for kids of all ages. The Toy Association leads the health and growth of the U.S. toy industry, which has an annual U.S. economic impact of $110.9 billion, and its 1000+ members drive the annual $28 billion U.S. domestic toy market. The Toy Association serves as the industry’s voice on the developmental benefits of play, and promotes play’s positive impact on childhood development to consumers and media. The organization has a long history of leadership in toy safety, having helped develop the first comprehensive toy safety standard more than 40 years ago, and remains committed to working with medical experts, government, consumers, and industry on ongoing programs to ensure safe and fun play.

As a global leader, The Toy Association produces the world-renowned North American International Toy Fair and Fall Toy Preview; advocates on behalf of members around the world; sustains the Canadian The Toy Association; acts as secretariat for the International Council of Toy Industries and International Toy Industry CEO Roundtable; and chairs the committee that reviews and revises America’s widely emulated ASTM F963 toy safety standard.