ASTM Subcommittee Moves Forward with Toy Safety Updates
May 19, 2020 | Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the ASTM F15.22 Subcommittee on Toy Safety is convening virtually to ensure toy safety standards continue to be updated, holding three calls throughout May to discuss proposed changes.
Over the course of those meetings, the subcommittee has worked on revising standards in ASTM F963 related to acoustics, phthalates, expanding materials, and tracking labels; proposed changes to the standard for N-nitrosamines in pacifier nipples (ASTM F1313), which prompted a recommendation clarifying language be added to the scope and definition of the standard; and launched an effort to review and adopt the ANSI Z315 tricycle standard into an ASTM standard. A technical working group was also established to work on the latter effort.
The Toy Association is actively involved on the subcommittee; Joan Lawrence, senior vice president of standards and regulatory affairs, serves as chair. Alan Kaufman, senior vice president of technical affairs and ASTM board member, serves as a technical expert for the subcommittee and these individual work items.
Balloting of proposed revisions to ASTM F963 and ASTM F1313 will occur within the coming months. The subcommittee is expected to meet again virtually on each of these topics later this summer.
Members will be kept apprised once updates to these standards are finalized. Questions on these items may be directed to The Toy Association’s Joan Lawrence or Alan Kaufman. For information about membership in ASTM and participation in these efforts, visit the ASTM website.