U.S. House of Representatives Introduces SHOP SAFE Act, Priority Legislation for The Toy Association™

June 13, 2024 | Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48), chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, introduced the SHOP SAFE Act to the House of Representatives on June 11 to protect consumers from harmful counterfeit products that are sold online. The Toy Association™ is a strong supporter of the policy and has been advocating for legislative measures that combat counterfeit products.

“All toys sold in the U.S. must comply with strict standards and undergo extensive testing to ensure they are safe. Though some efforts have been made, counterfeits continue to pop up on many online marketplaces at an alarming rate. These unsafe items are putting millions of families at risk and undermine all of the hard work that legitimate companies put in to make their products safe,” said Greg Ahearn, president & CEO of The Toy Association. “The SHOP SAFE legislation can help ensure that all American consumers are protected while shopping online.”

The bill was reintroduced in the Senate by the Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property last October and awaits a vote out of the committee. Similarly, the House version of the bill now awaits a vote out of committee before legislators in both chambers vote to pass the bill into law.

The SHOP SAFE Act emphasizes the need for online platforms to meet the same requirements and liabilities for unsafe counterfeit goods as traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. The bill incentivizes online platforms to engage in best practices for vetting sellers and goods, addressing repeat counterfeiter sellers, and ensuring consumers have access to relevant information at the time of purchase.

The bill text is available here.

For more information on The Toy Association’s advocacy work on counterfeits and IP protection, visit thetoyassociation.org/advocacy. Members may contact Owen Caine, vice president of government affairs at The Toy Association, with any questions.