Toy Fair® Exhibitors Invited to Donate Toys & Furniture to The Toy Foundation™ at Show Close

toy foundation toy collectionFebruary 25, 2025 | At the close of Toy Fair®, all exhibitors are encouraged to donate products — including toys, games, furniture, and more — to The Toy Foundation™ (TTF), the official charity of the show and philanthropic arm of The Toy Association™. As a turnkey opportunity for exhibitors to support children and families when they need it most, and to simplify moveout, TTF will collect donations of all sizes and products when the show ends on March 4.

To donate:

  1. Submit a donation form online by March 3.
  2. Pick up TTF collection stickers and clear collection bags (for small or soft items only) at the show info counters, show office, and/or service desk.
  3. Leave donated products in one area of your booth marked with a sticker. Every donated piece of furniture must have a sticker.
  4. TTF volunteers will pick up the donated product and furniture following the close of Toy Fair.

For any questions about the toy collection at Toy Fair, contact TTF staff.

TTF is an industry-wide corporate social responsibility (CSR) solution that streamlines trade show moveout, collects inventory from warehouses, and responds to natural disasters 365 days a year. The organization combines the donations collected to deliver to children, providing them with comfort and joy through the power of play.

TTF unites the collective philanthropy of the toy industry to create a greater impact. Since 2003, more than 34 million children in need have experienced play thanks to the industry’s contributions. To learn more about TTF and its programs, visit or contact TTF staff.