Toy Fair Freshman Class Webinar
The webinar provided first-time Toy Fair exhibitors with a better understanding of how to prepare for and utilize Toy Fair to their advantage.
Target Audience:
Open to all first-time Toy Fair exhibitors.
More Information:
Topics will include:
- The next steps every exhibitor should take after registering for Toy Fair
- How to get your booth supplies and product to the show site
- How to stand apart from the other exhibitors
Presented by:
The Toy Industry Association (TIA) Freshman Class Advisors and professionals from the official show decorating company, Freeman.
- Jackson Wong,
Toy Industry Association, Freshman Class Advisor for A-F
- Richard Chow, Toy Industry Association, Freshman Class Advisor for G-O
- Kimberly Catucci, Toy Industry Association, Freshman Class Advisor for P-Z
- Freeman Account Executives
- Lauren Orsi
- Sheryl Rockwell
- Lymari Colon
Webinar Access:
Contact your TIA Freshman Class Advisor to request access to the webinar, company names beginning with: