

We effectively and powerfully advocate on behalf of our members at the federal level. Our goal is to make sure that Congress and the Administration hear our industry’s position loud and clear – and that existing laws are enforced and interpreted fairly.

Together with our members, we advocate on federal issues that impact the toy industry, children, factory workers, and the environment. We invite all members to take an active role in helping us shape and share the industry’s voice in government. We regularly submit letters to federal agencies on behalf of members. View our recent letters.


Marketing to children

Our goal is to preserve the toy industry’s right to communicate to children in a responsible and safe manner while protecting the rights & privacy of children.

Environmental Sustainability

The industry is committed to reducing its environmental impact through package reduction, increased use of recycled and bio-materials, and renewable energy sources.

U.S. safety standards

The Toy Association’s Safety Standards and Technical Committee monitors activity on issues related to product safety standards, testing, and quality assurance issues.